We woke up early (are you sensing a theme here?) to head to the San Vicente Termales (Thermals), a beautiful, eco-touristic retreat about 1 and ½ hours outside of Pereira. We were met by Laura (our film student assistant) and Alexa, our bi-lingual guide that had been recommended to us and we had met the night before.
The terrain of the winding road was really rough from the rains with the small rental car bottoming out numerous times, but the scenery was incredible.

We arrived in a dreamland of exotic foliage, waterfalls and ponds (thermals) with steam wafting from them.
The first thing we did was to take a hike and after Renzo fell and barely escaped pitching into the rolling rapids (along with the camera) we realized tennis shoes were NOT the right footwear for trekking in these parts, so if you go, wear boots!
Alexa and I then did a canopy, the 2nd canopy ride in my life (all in the past week) across an incredible landscape of greenery and trees whizzing by and below. I did mine superman style which is laying belly towards the ground and going face first. Very cool!

We then hit the thermals and it was like a really, really warm bath outside in the mountain air surrounded by trees, flowers and the sound of nature. It was incredible and naturally heated from the nearby and (I hope!) inactive volcano.
We broke for a delicious lunch and the owner, who is a well known expert on the healing power of thermals and somewhat of a celebrity in these parts, pulled out a crystal to read all of our energy. All but one of us had negative energy, so one by one he fixed us up.
After lunch it began to rain but thankfully that passed and we were able to continue shooting my favorite part, which is getting buried up to our faces in hot volcanic sand, followed by a Turkish bath, an invigorating but painfully cold water rinse from a natural spring and then we hit the thermal spas again.
This combination supposedly opens your pores and allows the natural minerals to get inside, healing you from the stress of life from the inside out. I don’t know about all that but I will tell you I felt like I could sleep for a week afterwards.
But wait, there was more. Then we were given mud baths from the natural algae pools. The greenish mud didn’t smell great but it was warm and gooey and afterwards my skin has never felt so soft, like a baby’s behind!

The drive back was exquisite with the sun setting over coffee country. A magical day thanks to the hospitality of the people from the San Vicente Termales. If you’re ever in coffee country you really should check them out and their overnight accommodations are both charming and reasonably priced. You can find out more about them at their website HERE.

Renzo and I grab a late dinner and discuss our progress and give feedback to each other. So far so good and how could I complain after a whole day of pampering?
I think I’m beginning to dig this job!
Check out more beautiful photos from San Vicente Termales HERE